Fun geologic relationship of the day: orogenic plateaus and
volcanic triggers
The processes occurring beneath the world’s great plateaus
such as Tibet and the central Andes are difficult to decipher. How the deep
crust and mantle lithosphere are behaving, and how they interact with the underlying
lithosphere has major implications for how the plateaus grow and why they
contain widespread volcanism. In one of the first major studies of volcanism in
Tibetan, Turner et al. (1996) interpreted highly potassic lavas to indicate
melting of biotite-rich, garnet bearing mantle lithosphere that had been
metasomatized (enriched in volatiles and hydrous fluids) during earlier
(pre-collisional) periods of subduction. Evidence includes negative Nb-Ta and
Ti anomalies, fractionated LREE/HREE, high K contents, and isotopic
considerations. Turner et al. (1996) suggest that the hydrated mantle
lithosphere most likely melted due to temperature increases related to
convective removal of its lower regions, as proposed by England and Houseman
(1988, 1989). In this model, the collision between India and Eurasia (beginning
~52 million years ago) thickened the cold, relatively dense lower mantle
lithosphere until it detached and was replaced by warm, buoyant asthenosphere.
This influx of asthenosphere then raised the plateau, and led to gravitational
collapse of its edges. Turner et al. proposed that the newly exposed
(undetached) mantle lithosphere heated up and melted, resulting in the plateau
volcanism. They further suggest that the age of the lavas (< 13 Ma) puts a time
stamp on the removal process, as shown in this figure.

Figure 13 of Turner et al. (1996).
The timing of plateau uplift has major implications
concerning the evolution of our atmosphere and the life it harbors, as a rising
plateau may lead to increased global cooling. However, it is very difficult to
pin down the dates of plateau uplift (it does not necessarily correlate with
crustal thickening alone) and is the focus of numerous studies.
An alternatives to the convecting thinning / mantle
lithosphere melting model discussed in this post was addressed
on this blog earlier, and el volcán tranquilo will, no doubt, return to this controversy
Turner, S., Arnaud, N., Liu, J., Rogers, N., Hawkesworth,
C.,Harris, N., Kelley, S., Van Calsteren, P. & Deng, W. (1996).
Post-collision, shoshonitic volcanism on the Tibetan plateau: implications for convective
thinning of the lithosphere and the source of ocean island basalts. Journal of
Petrology 27(1), 45--71.
Molnar, P., P. England, and J. Martinod, Mantle dynamics,
the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau, and the Indian monsoon, Reviews of
Geophysics, 31, 357-396, 1993.
England, P. C. & Houseman, G. A.; 1988. The mechanics of
the Tibetan plateau. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A326,
England, P. C. & Houseman, G. A., 1989. Extension during
continental convergence, with application to the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of
Geophysical Research 94, 17561-17579.